Mr. Orlando Goes to Washington – from Marco Orlando “Hotel Crapshoot”
4/10/24-4/11/24 – We get off the subway, and we make our way back to the Westin to grab our luggage. Our new hotel is less than a mile away at the Holiday Inn Express on Rhode Island Ave NW. So, our group is walking less than a mile with our luggage from the Westin to...

Mr. Orlando goes to Washington from Marco Orlando – “Capitol Hill Visit: Ups and Downs and Back-and-Forths”
04/10/24 – Our group had to up and around early this morning for our Capitol Hill visit to meet with the rest of our Congressional delegation. Since we knew we had to change hotels on the last night of our trip, we needed to pack our bags and give them to the...

Mr. Orlando Goes to Washington from Marco Orlando – “Joy and Luck in Chinatown”
04/09/24 – We got back to the hotel from the Museum of Natural History and immediately changed back into our regular clothes, then decided to find a place in the Chinatown District to have supper. We are joined by our friend Eric, who took a bit of a digger while he...

Mr. Orlando Goes to Washington – from Marco Orlando – “Our Work Begins”
04/09/24 – After lunch, we walked the rest of the way to Jared Golden’s office, which wasn’t terribly far from Union Station, and didn’t take us too long to get there once we got going. I’d say the part that took the longest was getting through security and taking the...

Mr. Orlando Goes to Washington from Marco Orlando “Disability Policy Seminar Day 1-1/2”
04/09/24 – We began the second day of the Disability Policy Seminar taking part in a “rap session” led by Tia, who represents Self Advocates Becoming Empowered (SABE), the national self-advocacy organization. A few of us were able to tell other people in other states...

Mr. Orlando Goes to Washington from Marco Orlando – “City Tap House”
04/08/24 – After the Disability Policy Seminar wrapped up on the first day, our group decided to head to a place called the City Tap House next door to the Westin for supper that night. From the moment we walked in, the first thing I thought of was how this City Tap...

Mr. Orlando Goes to Washington from Marco Orlando – “Disability Policy Seminar Day 1”
04/08/24 – When the Disability Policy Seminar officially began on Monday, it really began to sink in for me just how huge the Westin in downtown Washington really was. Going down the escalators to the meeting room / ballroom area was an eye-opener for me. I wanted to...

Mr Orlando Goes to Washington from Marco Orlando – Big Bus Tour
04/07/24 – After settling in at the Westin on Saturday night, it gave me and my group pretty much the whole day Sunday to explore and get acclimated with our surroundings in the immediate vicinity, since the Disability Policy Seminar didn't officially begin until...

Mr. Orlando Goes to Washington from Marco Orlando – Traveling to Washington
Now that I’ve had some time to regroup, I can tell you all more about my trip to Washington. Let’s start with how I got there . . . 04/06/24 – Ordinarily, it would have been a straight shot for Monique, Stacy, Rose, and Regina to drive three hours to Bangor from...