Hi my name is Jon McGovern
I would like to tell you a story about Winter. When you were a little kid winter was all you could think of. The Hot Chocolate. The baking of Cookies. Playing in the snow. Having snow fights. Building a snow forts. Making Snow Angles.
And Waiting for Santa to come.
To see if Santa was real.
Christmas was the happiest time of year as a little kid. Watching the Best Christmas Movies ever. Going out to see the decorations on people’s houses to see if their house was better then yours.
Spending time telling Christmas Stories and seeing what best Christmas goodies are out there.
Trying to see if you can copy the goody store recipe and make it your own.
Decorating the inside of the house. Sitting by the fireplace warming up and listening to Christmas music.
Now that that we are all older we don’t get out and do all these things like we used to.
What is your favorite memory from this time of year?
If you would like to send us a blog of your memory send it to us.