Laurie Bernier is sharing some great tips for all of us during this unusual time in our lives.
Boy things are really different right now. I am going to keep a good attitude and make good use of this time and we can all take time now to do things we have not had time to do, or do things we always wanted to do. While your work is shut down, day programs are closed and you are staying away from friends and family you can do something fun or something you are PASSIONATE about. What is it? Now is a time to be managing our physical, nutritional health and our stress. It may be good to get away from the news and computer for a bit. Did you know that spending time in nature is one of the very best stress relievers? I have heard what some members are up to this week and I have added to the list. See if there are things you can add to the list below.
Indoor things to do:
Clean house
Learn to cook something new
Read or listen to a book (sign up for Cloud Library)
Keep a journal (write or record)
Plan ahead for when this is over; where to go on a trip, plan something to do with friends for summer
Stretch, strengthening, yoga. You can go online and follow an exercise instructor.
Call a friend or family member
Things to do outside:
Take a walk (places close to home might be a walking trail, a park, sidewalk.
Watch the sunset
Do yard work
Sit in the sun.
Plant some seeds for summer beauty.
This is a good time to do something that makes you happy.
Maybe you can share with other members what you are doing to stay healthy and happy, to keep each other going.