We welcome Kile Pelletier, Program Associate, as he shares a recent opportunity he had to Speak Up in his own community.  


Hi guys my name is Kile Pelletier, and I am the Program Associate for Speaking Up For Us.  I want to share with you an experience I had this past Friday, at a town meeting at the University of Make in Fort Kent.   I found about this event through social media.  The Senator from Fort Kent, Troy Jackson, and the Representative from Fort Kent, John Martin, were there along with a representative from Biddeford and Portland.    It was an open form so issues from education and prescription costs were discussed along with others.  I talked about the different issues that people living with disabilities face such as the marriage tax, mileage cap and general transportation issues.  In addition, I was able to talk to them about Advocacy Day that is coming on April 4th and invited them. I just want to tell the members, as a leader you need to speak up more, and speak out about the issues to get your point heard.



Advocacy Day at the Statehouse is coming on April 4th, and the deadline to preregister for this event is March 22nd.  We hope you are making plans to attend Advocacy Day.
If you have questions about Advocacy Day you can ask your Chapter Advisor or contact Laurie Coldwell at 956-1004 ext 4.  

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