From the MaineDOT:
***Notice of Public Comment***
MaineDOT Updated Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Of 1990
Title II Updated Transition Plan
MaineDOT’s American with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan (the Plan) is a living document that assesses accessibility on MaineDOT’s transportation system, highlighting compliance efforts and charting a course for improvements.
Since our initial comment period and Plan submittal to the Federal Highway Administration in September 2016, we have made significant changes to our ADA Accessibility Program and our Plan. We will soon be resubmitting our updated Draft Plan to FHWA for their review and approval.
Because of changes to our 2016 Plan, we once again are offering a 14-day Public Comment Period and invite you to read the Plan. We welcome any comments.
This updated plan does not include local roads and transit providers that are independent of MaineDOT oversight. This Plan focuses on state-owned roads and bridges as well as the Maine State Ferry Service facilities and other MaineDOT-owned public facilities. The purpose of this Plan is to:
- Comply with the administrative requirements of the ADA and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as it relates to the state’s highways, bridges and facilities within its jurisdiction; and
- Comply with FHWA Guidance for transportation agencies; and
- Serve as an information document for any persons interested in the MaineDOT’s ADA improvement efforts; and
- Provide a roadmap to create the most accessible transportation system possible.
MaineDOT has tried to create as comprehensive a list as possible to encourage stakeholder input. This list is not complete. As providers and stakeholders, please distribute to your memberships and other individuals and groups.
***We will be accepting public comments on this document until 4:00 PM, Monday, August 19, 2019.***
The MaineDOT ADA Transition Plan is attached in Word and readable PDF formats. You can also review the Plan and submit comments on-line by visiting our website at:
Comments can also be sent to:
Theresa Savoy
Title II ADA Coordinator
Results and Information Office
Maine Department of Transportation
16 State House Station
Augusta, Maine 04333
Office Phone: (207) 624-3238
You may review our entire ADA Accessibility Program website at:
Paper copies of the ADA Transition Plan are available upon request.