Today is the last in the series of our leadership program. Today we welcome Tucker Conley and Brian Harnish.

Tucker Conley is a Board Member and a member of the Greater Portland Chapter. When asked what was something you learned from your time taking the Leadership program Tucker responded with “Learning how to listen, what an ally is, overcoming obstacles in everyday life, the different leadership styles, and a better understanding of the physical limitations that people with disabilities encounter” Tucker also shared that he got to meet new people.
If you are thinking of taking the leadership class “Just go for it! Everybody is nervous at first, as the leadership group goes along, everybody becomes more comfortable with each other, by the end of the session you will learn something that you can apply to your life to make it easier and more fulfilling.”
When asked what those skills were that Tucker learned he responded with “Problem Solving/Decision Skills, Patience/Dealing with frustrations, How to better communicate and things I want in my life, How to be a better and more confident leader and Advocacy Skills.”

Brian Harnish, is a Board Member and a member of the Central Maine Chapter. Brian shared the following from his time taking the Leadership program.
“I learned a lot about my fellow board members, including preferred learning styles, communication styles, personalities and what people are interested in.:

“I would tell people that are interested in leadership to just jump in and do it.  It might be a little intimidating or scary, but it’ll be worth it in the end and you may make some new friends from different areas.”

When asked what skills he learned Brian shared, “Skills-wise, I learned about my fellow SUFU members and how to best communicate and potentially get through projects with them.  Interpersonal skills are very important in group work and in life in general.”

Thank you to those that shared their experience. If you or someone you know is interested in growing their leadership skills, we are now accepting applications for our next class. Applications are found here.

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