Hi Everybody,

A few weeks ago, I was feeling down.  I didn’t feel like I was very good at my job because I felt like I was having a hard time communicating with people and I wasn’t sure what I could do differently.

I was asking someone about it and I said, “Should I take a communication class or training?” He said, “You don’t need to take a class, you just need to be willing to try different things.”  I said to myself, “Why does that sound so familiar?”  Later, I realized that I had said the exact same thing in the past, when people asked me that question!

It helped me realize a few things…

  1. Communicating with people is really hard, sometimes.  But it is worth it.
  2. It’s ok to ask for help or advice when you need it.  I’m glad I did.
  3. It’s helpful to figure out what kind of communication works best for you and the person you want to communicate with.  Does talking face to face work best?  Talking on the phone?  Writing a letter or email?

If you would like to communicate with me, the best ways are to email me at aolmstead@sufumaine.org or call me: 827-1047. 🙂

Have great holidays & I’ll see you in 2017! 🙂


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