Regina Bowie
Regina was born in Portland Maine, grew up in Houlton, and is currently residing in Presque Isle. She graduated from Houlton High School in 1993, and earned her Associate in Applied Science Degree in Accounting from Northern Maine Technical College (now known as Northern Maine Community College) in 2003.
Regina currently attends the Central Aroostook Chapter. Regina has many hobbies that have grown over the years. She enjoys writing, photography, painting and volunteering with her chapter. Recently Regina was introduced to Maine Citizen Science which combines her enjoyment of watching birds and giving back to her community by keeping track of the bird population. She has also started safely helping to keep public places and neighborhoods clean by picking up trash. Other enjoyments include videography, karaoke, listening to music on YouTube and finding treasures with metal detecting. Her dream job would be to create different items or restore them using her creativity.
This is Regina’s sixth year on the board. For her, the best aspect of being on the board, is talking with others and making important decisions.